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Case study: Office of Rail and Road
optimised reporting
app delivers

We created a streamlined Power BI reporting solution for the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) that could deliver accurate and rapid results for different user profiles.

ORR needed an optimised reporting solution that could provide precise results for users with laptops of very different specifications.

A streamlined Power BI reporting application with considerably reduced file size and added navigational features.

A powerful dashboard that optimises back-end processes, saving 75% of load time and pushing the limit of DAX coding with interactive visuals.

Faster reporting

Targeted and accurate results

Improved user experience

Howard Taylor
Office of Rail and Road

We have people in our organisation who can build good Power BI dashboards, but bringing Techmodal on-board allowed us to take it to a different level – optimising the back-end to shave 75% off the time it took to load; and pushing the limits of DAX coding to make the visuals more interactive

the challenge

ORR had previously utilised Techmodal’s expertise to create a ‘proof of concept’ report with Techmodal’s data science team. The report worked well but was untested and, at 70MB, could not run effectively on less powerful laptops. As the report would need to be accessed by users working with Power BI Desktop PBIX files, Techmodal’s primary task was to ensure it could run smoothly on the desktop application. Then, if time allowed, Techmodal could enhance the application by adding further navigational features.

the solution

Techmodal utilised the VertiPaq Analyzer to analyse the model and identify areas for improvement. They focused on data engineering for the backend, creating a simpler form that would allow analysts to develop new features more easily.

The report file size for the analyst version was reduced considerably from 70MB to 37MB. For the casual user, the report was reduced from 70MB to 7MB, although this figure rose again slightly to 11MB after new features were added. Both versions ran smoothly when tested on standard laptops.

Refining the model to deliver

1New cleaner slicers to help navigate the hierarchical nature of the data.

2An enhanced visual approach to explore data within the report. 

3Reshuffled visuals and pages to better tell a ‘data story’.

4More efficient page loading achieved by removing unnecessary objects.

Discover more about our work for ORR
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